Species Identification Mobile Apps
Seek by iNaturalist Seek is a fun, easy, and reliable app that identifies trees, fish, plants, fungi, reptiles, amphibians, arachnids, mammals, mollusk, and insects. It has high accuracy in identification as long as you take a picture close to your species. Many times it will be able to identify the entire taxonomy. While playing around with this app in my backyard, it included me in one of their "backyard challenge" challenges. You can participate in numerous challenges that you can get medals for every time you get a species. What I find brilliant about this app is that users are contributing to a citizen science project, where the public is contributing to scientific research while learning and having fun on the app. All the information on this app is public, which helps scientists learn where and when organisms are found and could potentially lead to a discovery of an organism. The pros for Seek is that it has a wide variety of organism you can search for, it's for...